may be the death of me! We passed out yearbooks yesterday and the kids loved them. Of course this makes for a huge distraction. Even when the yearbooks are put away. That's all the kids are thinking about.
Student: "Can we look at our yearbooks when we are done with our work?"
Me: "Yes, if you ever stop talking about the yearbooks and actually do your work."
Student: "Why can't we look at our yearbooks instead of doing math? We already took the Gateway so we really don't need to do math for the rest of the year."
Me (thinking): Duh, why didn't I think of that. (saying): "Because I am a mean teacher."
Student: "When is the yearbook signing party?"
Me: "Monday" (I've only answered this question 500 times freaking times!)
Student: "What if we don't have enough time to sign everyone's yearbook?"
Me (thinking): Do you really want to sign everyone's yearbook. The way you guys talk about each other behind one another's backs I am surprised anyone would want to sign your yearbook! (saying): "You better use your time wisely then."
One student to another student: "Did you see so and so's picture? They looked really _______ (fill in the blank with any inappropriate adjective).
And finally, my favorite one:
Student (smacking lips and rolling eyes): "Why do we got to pay for yearbooks anyway?"
Me: "Because it costs lots of money to make them."
Student: "So. We still shouldn't have to pay."
Me: "Well then who is going to pay for them?"
Student: "The government."
Me (in total disgust): "That money you get from the government comes out of my paycheck each month! That is not right to expect the government (or me) to pay for everyone's yearbooks."
Student: "Then the Principal should pay for them."
At this point I was so disgusted that I just gave up. I told the student that if they did not bring in money for a yearbook no one else was going to pay for their yearbook. END OF DISCUSSION.
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