scoring the Gateway test. Gwinnett County's Gateway tests measure how well students are learning the Academic Knowledge and Skills. The tests are used in certain grades to determine whether or not students are prepared to go on to the next grade level. The 4th grade Gateway test assesses language arts and mathematics, using multiple choice, short-answer, and short-essay questions. I have had the pleasure of scoring the 4th grade short answer questions for the past 7 days.
Pro's to scoring the Gateway:
1. It pays...really well.
2. I learned some new things that will improve my teaching.
3. I met some nice teachers from other schools.
4. Did I mention it pays really well?
Con's to scoring the Gateway:
1. We started scoring at the beginning of summer vacation (when every teacher really needs a break).
2. My neck and hand have serious cramping issues.
3. I have become cross-eyed from filling in those little circles on the scoring sheets.
4. It is very boring and tedious work.
5. You have to sit (quietly, not easy for me to do) and score.
6. Just when you think it's over they wheel in another 10 boxes of test books.
12 years ago
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