Wednesday, July 05, 2006


2004 - The last 4th of July I would spent with my brother.

Peter - July 4, 2004

One year ago I was preparing to bury my little brother. I still can't believe he is gone. I can't seem to comprehend it. The 4th was hard. I had been dreading the holiday. Next to Christmas, the 4th of July was my brothers favorite holiday. He LOVED fireworks. Every year I would get my brother and sisters 4th of July shirts from Old Navy. He never got a chance to wear the 2005 shirt. I gave it to him the day before he passed away.

This 4th of July Supin and I spent the afternoon at the Southern Athletic Club, watched fireworks and then went to see Superman 3D at the IMAX theater. It was a fun day but it was so hard not to think about my brother. Losing someone close to you has got to be the WORST feeling in the world. I knew that the first 4th of July without Peter would be hard. I don't think it will ever be easy.

Now I am off for some therapy...scrapbooking:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was very happy to have spent July 4th with you. By the way, you spell "ever" and "scrapbooking" wrong. Sorry, I guess you bring out the teacher in me.