Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Funny Things Kids Say

One of my 1st graders was coughing countinously. I asked him if he needed to get a drink. He said, "No, if I drink too much then it makes me have to pee......pause.......(as he continues working) "If I eat to much I have to poop." Huh.

During center clean-up time a Kindergarten student asked if he could knock down a castle someone had made. The other student said, "Say the magic word." The other child's response..."Abracadabra!" Well, I guess that is a magic word...

As told by our music teacher: During 3rd grade music class we were singing a song that had the word "barrel" in it. One student asked, "What's a barrel?" Another student replied with, "You don't know what a barrel is?!?! It's what monkeys come i!"

1 comment:

Steph said...

Hahahahahaha!!!!! Thanks for the laughs!